(Manchester Bands Section)


Night & Day 28/9/02 

Never mind electro clash or what ever the latest fad is, CONVOLVATRON pick up from where Fat Truckers and their ilk leave off; an intense electronic wall overlaid with drums and bas that each fight for space in a way that only adds to the output. Sophie, kitted out in black from top to bottom, kicks the shit out of keyboards, combining it with an intense version of scream therapy.
Pedro, driving his bass, sometimes taking a moment off from adding to the intensity, leaving just keyboards & drum; sometimes he draws intensely on the cig hanging from the corner of his mouth, shifting his balance from front foot to back in time with the rhythm pouring forward from the speakers.
And then it's back to reality for Sophie & Pedro, with a trip on the all night bus, the one which someone has just thrown up on
Valerie are in danger of loosing their amateur D-I-Y reputation if they aren't careful if this refined, focused display is anything to go by. Josie takes to the stage, still in a state of shock from the Major-Currie revelation, and they combine to quickly divert our thoughts away from the issue with a course, brash pin back your ears performance.
Heckling from Laney Strap On and attempts to nick the set list are easily overcome before Josie begins a series of stage jumps -no one in their right mind is going to get near enough to let them crowd surf-, leaving Elvis to thrash the drums and Nicki to deliver the carefully though out and executed bass notes.
Yes the Casio comes out for the last number, reminding everyone of how from something so basic that weird any wonderful can be created.
They were around before Jack & Meg, and for all anyone knows, the `Stripes may have been influenced by them, that is The Snakes, featuring Darren on guitar and Kate on drums. Dispensing their own brand of blues with a swagger and style that is only matched by the sound that slinks out of the speakers, refreshing the parts that other music can't .reach..
Last time I saw this lot, Darren was trying to electrocute himself via a dodgy guitar connection, but tonight the drawl, the drumming and the drive are electric. Even to the point where they take off "Black Betty", it just fits, no explanation required, they don't put a foot wrong.
Switching between controlled aggression and subtle force, sometimes sat down, sometimes stood up on the monitors, the swampy drawn out bluesy effect is sold on an eager audience
Diverse yet complementary. Who gives a F.U.C.K? 
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