(Manchester Bands Section)


Jackie O
Night & Day
10th Birthday Party (a bit of it)

Other Jackie O Gigs
Ah memories of a 10th birthday party; ice cream; sweets; showing off your new footie strip to your mates. Getting to the age of 10 was seen as a sign even at that tender age of "maturity" by other class mates.   Yeah, next stop was being a teenager.   No more being in single figures, you were into DOUBLE figures, and the rest of your mates looked on enviously.    Now we are glad if we are the youngest, not the eldest of the group
The invitations describing a series of line-ups featuring differing types of event, comedy, different labels etc. as part of the Night & Day 10th birthday party look nice, but there's something wrong.   Hardly anyone is here
All the invites are in the place, itself on the bar & tables, rather in the purses and pockets of all the invitees.    They should have been sent out, whether it be via post, email, or just flyers/posters, a week or two earlier
So, other acts have come & gone (no band list available earlier etc.) before I get to see my first one of the night, the ever intriguing Hedz Jellmo.    Like all good mates, they have even adjusted one of their songs to acknowledge the longevity of the N & D, before they continue with a more typical set .
The Hedz line "you wear your beauty on the inside" ricochets around the open spaces, Mark's loose limbered moves translating the sounds into movement.    Eyes often closed, until he gets to the point where he wants you, YES YOU, THERE, SAT DOWN, to turn around, take notice of what is going on.
A melting pot of styles is displayed as each player brings their own influences, be it rap, scratching, guitar, dub etc. , -I'm sure I heard a touch of blues in there -, to a melting pot that produces a seamless blend, individual in its own right,
The dense layered sound of Indigo Dub blasts away any cobweb that may linger., and in this cases it necessary to be at the bar in order to avoid having what's left of my hearing being destroyed.      The sound is more geared to a large crowd, and tonight subtlety is not there
What's up with Bonebox?    There's only 6 of them tonight. Upwards of 8 have been known to fight for room to shake a tambourine, play a grand piano or just allow for Jays' wiry motions.   Nothing to worry about though.    From the moment that " My week is your year" unleashes it's sneering, rumbling groove to those bothered to hang around, I know it's going to be okay.    "Trusty Hound" allows Jay to display his low slung growl that seems to be nurtured on a diet of sand and concrete. Sometimes less can mean more.
From the moment Captain Starfield dons the Jackie O mask, the group don't care how many are present, they just attempt to go for it anyway, Try as hard as they can, the evening it just seems to have an air of anti-climax.
Perhaps next time, the bands might get the audience they deserve
PS any chance of providing a really big surprise by dropping the beers prices, even for one night, or even 10?
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