(Manchester Bands Section)


Jackie O
Roadmovie 2
Retro Bar, 6/12/01

Other Jackie O Gigs
Ring Ring
"Hello. Can I ring you back? I'm a bit busy now. Yeah, I'm in a band and we're on stage and the rest of them are waiting for me so that we can start"
Believe it or not, but that is how Valerie started their set tonight.
It's not so much their D-I-Y ethic, as their D-I-Y FUN ethic that shines through what at times is a rambling but at others is totally coherent in a spectacular, spot on fashion
Starting with "Virginia" the set list is ploughed through be fore they make a stark admission--THEY ACTUALLY PRACTICED the other night.    And it showed when they deliver a blinding rendition of "Pop Stars"
The interaction with the audience involved Gary stepping from the shadows to start hitting the cymbals, which was probably just as well as drummer Elvis was swigging away on a bottle of Beck's.   With Joel bouncing, & rolling around irrepressibly, snow goggles being paraded, a level of entertainment for the evening has been sent which no-one slips below.
And just for special effect, Joel decided to try to set fire to someone's tracksuits bottoms
Jackie O, a fine mesh of mewling guitars, pumping drums and slurred American accents. The torrent of feedback screams across the room taking no prisoners before hitting you again.    Strutting, preening and disappearing into the audience, Captain Starfield is reveling in the cracking atmosphere, soaking up the appreciation
Now when was the first table broken?    Was it during the Parkinson's riotous display of to the late 70's style of punk rock. Certainly, beer was split, thrown and lapped up. Indeed a trailing mic stand accounted for several of the broken pint pots, and no doubt several bruises as the crowd decided to match the fervor and energy on display with a severe outbreak of pogo-ing.     Unceasing in intensity and passion, they appear to genuinely wish they were there first time around, and just for the sheer hell of it take to the stage in boxers only.
The evening has been growing in expectation, the acts pushing themselves to deliver raw performances as equal to anything previously executed.    So how can Moco top that? I suppose there was only one way really.    Thirty seconds into the fist song, Elvis has got Jonesy on her shoulders, another table has broken and this is the time when the bar staff say enough is enough and literally pull the plug.    So in effect, the occasion has led to the only possible conclusion.-- lights out for everyone
Ged Camera
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